Compound Growth Rate Calculator

Calculate the growth rate and return on your investment

Investment parameters
Investment measures
21.79 %
12000 $
120 %
Investment value over time

How does MeasuredBets Compound Growth Rate Calculator work?

The formula to calculate compound growth rate can be derived from Compound Interest formula:

A=P(100%+rn)ntA = P(100\% + \frac{r}{n}) ^ {nt}


  • AA is the final amount
  • PP is the original principal sum
  • rr is the interest/growth rate
  • nn is the compounding frequency
  • tt is the number of periods

Solving for rr gives us the growth rate:

(100%+rn)nt=AP100%+rn=(AP)1ntr=n[(AP)1nt100%]\\ (100\% + \frac{r}{n})^{nt} = \frac{A}{P} \\ 100\% + \frac{r}{n} = (\frac{A}{P})^{\frac{1}{nt}} \\ r = n[(\frac{A}{P})^{\frac{1}{nt}} - 100\%]

To calculate Cumulative Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), consider tt as the number of years and substitute n=1n = 1.

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